Want to learn more about DDPYoga? See more results? See how awesome it is?! Well take a moment and check out these great blogs from my fellow DDPYoga friends & teammates. BANG!
- JimDoesDDPYoga
- InspiringPeopleOneBangAtATime
- DDP Yoga Regular Guy
- For All The Time In The World
- James Hoplin - Confessions of a Weight Loss Loser
- Christine’s Excellent Adventure
- Mink Brothers DDP Journey
- The Next 40 Days
- Your Life is Not a Rental - So Own It
- Matt Owen
- Wanna Love Yoga
- RealHugoFearBoutin
- Nathan McNathan
- Mindy Gets Healthy
- Steve Doyle
- Mike at 90%
- Boomers DDP Yoga Accountability Page
- This Life Begins Now
- Stacey Morris
- Andy’s DDPYoga Accountability Page
- Owning It - My DDPYoga Journey
- My Journey with DDPYoga
- DJ’s DDPYoga Challenge
- The Real VinnyLoss
- Shaking for Serenity
- Do Yoga, New You
- Rick and Sylvia DDP Yoga
- Sexton’s Sojourn: A New Me Via DDP
- Creating a New Beginning
- G&M DDPYoga Experience
- 5thTimestheCharm
- DDPYoga Challenge
- HeroDDPyoga
- My Time is Now
- My DDPYoga Journey
- Beth vs Bellyfat
- Husband She Deserves
- Transforming my Life
- ZenTwister’s DDPYoga Journey
- Bang Baby!
- Thin Man Within
- DDP Yoga with Terri