
Hi everyone and welcome to BODY REBOOTED - your one-stop blog for Health & Fitness - featuring Recipes, Nutrition Tips, Motivation, Fitspiration, & DDP Yoga!

My name is Christina and I created this blog to share my journey with you!  If you are looking to lose weight, gain strength, eat healthy, take back your health, and/or need motivation and inspiration - then you’ve come to the right place!  Just over one year ago I suffered a loss from a very late miscarriage.  This loss resulted in depression, anxiety, weight gain, and a huge body image problem.  I was the unhappiest I’ve ever been and  it wasn’t just affecting me - it was affecting my entire family!  I knew I had to make a permanent change and so I set off on a journey to lose weight and conquer my demons to become the happy & healthy person I knew I could be.

In March 2013, my hubby showed me Arthur Boorman’s inspirational video.  I knew right then, that DDP Yoga was for me.  I dove in headfirst and have been going strong ever since.  DDP Yoga, coupled with healthy eating, has brought me to a weight loss of 60 pounds and has given me the opportunity to take my health back into my own hands!   I changed careers, became certified in nutrition & wellness and an now the 1st ever female DDP Yoga Instructor!!  My ultimate goal is to pay it forward by sharing my knowledge of nutrition and fitness so others can start their journey to take back their health!
Want to join me?  Need some advice?  Connect with me below and let’s make 2014 your year to SHINE!

The Russell Family
Want to learn more about this AWESOME hybrid workout - click HERE!  Ready to take the next step and start OWNING YOUR LIFE? Click the DDP Yoga pic at the top of the page to get your DVDs today!  Combo packs are on special for a limited time at 40% OFF!  
To check out my 60 POUND WEIGHT LOSS - click HERE!
In the first 3 months of DDP Yoga I lost 41 pounds and got featured as a success story on on their website! Click HERE to check it out.
In the initial stages of my journey, I chose a company called eDiets to help me make healthy food choices.  I learned so much through them and as a result - I got featured as a success story for them too!  Click HERE to check it out!
Please click HERE for PR related info.
Cocktails, Appetizers, Snacks, Sides, Main Dishes, Smoothies & Juices, Breakfast, Holiday Meals and Desserts - all gluten-free, GMO-free, and cow-diary free!  Click HERE to go there now!
VIDEOS:  Coming Soon!
PHOTOS:  Coming Soon!

NEWSLETTER:  For weekly giveaways, updates, and exclusive rewards - sign up for my weekly newsletter: BR News!  Click the pic below to sign up & get My 6 Go-To Smoothies as a thank you for being such an awesome reader!

  • http://thedailysinger.wordpress.com OperaDiva

    Looking forward to going on the weight loss journey together! :)

    • http://myedietsjourney.com christinarussell

      Me too! :)

  • http://makeitdelish.wordpress.com xxsweet

    Great story!!!

    • http://myedietsjourney.com christinarussell


  • http://thethankfulheart.wordpress.com Rhonda Sittig

    thanks for being so open to share your story.

    • http://myedietsjourney.com christinarussell

      Thank you for reading it :)

  • http://laurieanichols.wordpress.com laurieanichols

    I am awed by your inner strength. Your story is so touching, I’m sorry for your loss. You are quite incredible and I know that you will be successful in achieving your goals. Thanks for visiting my little blog and for the follow. :)

    • http://myedietsjourney.com christinarussell

      Thank you so much for your kind words. :)

  • http://perfectyourform.wordpress.com Jessica C.

    Congrats on pushing through such hard times and putting yourself first. You deserve to be happy! Good luck!

    • http://myedietsjourney.com christinarussell

      Thank you so much!

  • http://veganinahurry.wordpress.com hurriedvegan

    Hi, thanks so much for following my blog. I look forward to reading yours :-)

    • http://myedietsjourney.com christinarussell

      Thanks! :)

  • http://sillystupidrude.wordpress.com dailydietblog

    Wow, your progress has been amazing! Thank you for sharing your story.

    • http://myedietsjourney.com christinarussell

      Thank you so much!

  • http://sunny533.wordpress.com RV Mama’s Table For One

    Oh my. When I started reading this post I was full of excitement about your journey. Imagine my surprise a few paragraphs later. I have this inate ability for sympathy and am still crying as I write this. I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your baby and can’t imagine the horror you must have gone through. I’m happy that you’ve found an outlet for your sorrow and obviously you don’t let anything stop you from achieving your goals. You are a true inspriation! Many thanks for stopping by my blog and following! I look forward to your successes!

    • http://myedietsjourney.com christinarussell

      Thank you so much. I just hope that I can help others that may have gone through, or are currently going through, something similar. I think it helps knowing that you’re not alone and that you CAN achieve your goals. :)

      • http://sunny533.wordpress.com RV Mama’s Table For One

        I always believe success & accomplishment breeds likeminded souls. You will inspire others if you just keep beliving in yourself my friend!

        • http://myedietsjourney.com christinarussell

          Well said!

  • http://gravatar.com/whitneyt WhitneyT

    Thanks for sharing with the world! I’m just getting going (Day 30 DDP), but I have to say it’s really great to see pics/experiences from another 6’1″ woman. Gives me some realistic goals to shoot for, especially since I’m starting at about the same weight/size as you did. Keep it up!!

    • http://myedietsjourney.com christinarussell

      Yay! So excited to hear that! Find me on teamddpyoga.com Christina Russell

  • http://marpayfitness.wordpress.com Marpay Fitness

    Thank you for following our blog. We sincerely appreciate your support.

    -Marpay Fitness

  • Cliff Able

    Great blog, my friend.

    • Christina Russell

      Thank you. Can’t wait to read yours!! :)