Weigh Day #13 - Nothing Worth Doing is Ever Easy!

IMG_3548Hey guys!  It’s the Wednesday after Memorial Day and I’m getting ready to step on that scale and see what kind of damage occurred from the 2 BBQ’s this past weekend.  I did really well during the first BBQ because it was held at my house, with my menu, and my ingredients.  :)  The 2nd BBQ was with my parents at the beach and although I tried to limit myself, I sometimes caught myself snacking as we were chatting & catching up.  So, needless to say, I made sure to workout out extra hard between Monday night and this morning to try and make up the difference.  Let’s see what the scale has in store for me today….

WOW!  I’m down another pound!  That was unexpected.  Actually, I’m one ounce from being down 2 pounds, but I’m going to keep it real and just record the one.  Perhaps I did better than I originally thought?!  Whew - I feel so much better now - LOL.

So let’s recap:  DOWN: 33 pounds, DOWN: 19.5″ of fat, and DOWN: 4 dress sizes - SCORE!  Full stats and picture progress HERE.

Well, I’ve got one more challenge this week - my brother’s wedding (oh, and the rehearsal dinner and the night out before the rehearsal dinner).  I won’t be in town, so I won’t have the comforts of home and my own kitchen - so we’ll see how this one pans out.  I do know - that if the next weigh in is not so pretty - I’ll just have to work that much harder!  Like they say…Nothing worth doing is ever easy!

Wish me strength! :)
