The who, what, where, when & how’s of the DDP Yoga Hardship Fund.
What is the DDP YOGA Hardship Fund?
The fund is a grassroots effort run by members of teamDDPYOGA to provide DDP YOGA DVDs to those people who cannot afford it.
Where does the money come from?
You! Members & non-members of teamDDPYOGA donate to the fund and we use that money to help those who need it.
How big does my donation need to be?
Any amount helps! You don’t need to donate the full cost of a DDP YOGA Max Pack because all of the money gets pooled together to purchase as many programs as possible.
Who administers the fund and monitors donations?
The fund is run by five administrators: Liz Collins, Mary Callicoat, Steve Doyle, Graham O’Quinn, and yours truly - Christina Russell. In addition, we have two independent observers; Lisa Brown & David Orth, who monitor the funds, and will answer any questions about the fund that you may have.
Is the fund affiliated with DDP Yoga or teamDDPYOGA in any way?
NO! This fund is a completely independent initiative run by a group of DDP Yoga fans who simply want to help others improve their lives the way ours were improved. We do not receive any funds or direction from DDP YOGA.
When and how do I donate?
Donations are accepted at any time! Please send all donations via PayPal to [email protected].
How do I apply to be considered as a DDP YOGA hardship candidate?
To start, please complete this interview form and submit your answers. Once reviewed and approved by a majority vote you will be contacted for the second step in the hardship review process. We want to make sure that all candidates are dedicated to putting in the work to change their lives. We want to see commitment, involvement in the DDP Yoga community, and determination to live a healthy lifestyle.
If you have any questions, want to be considered as a DDP YOGA hardship candidate, or would like to donate to the cause - please email me: [email protected].
If you’re ready to take that next step and change your life forever or want to learn more about the DDP YOGA program, visit: