December Squatastic 30 Day Challenge

Can you believe that the year 2017 is just around the corner?

31 days to be exact!

I’m not sure where the time went, but I’m so excited to see what 2017 has in store for me and my family.

But it’s not the new year yet.

We’ve still got one more month to finish out 2016 strong.  And with holiday parties and more feasts ahead there’s no better time then RIGHT NOW to amp up your workouts!

I really wanted to focus on the lower body for this challenge so you all, myself included, could ROCK that New Year’s outfit with confidence.

Join me, starting December 1st, and let’s tone our glutes, quads and hamstrings with a 30-day #Squatastic challenge!

If you’re in, make sure to tag @bodyrebooted #finishstrong and #squatastic on twitter, facebook or instagram for lots of support, love & accountability.

Here’s to an awesome 2017 warriors!

It’s not too late to join our Holiday Slimdown Dietbet…here’s the link to learn more:



  1. Tell me about it. It was as if yesterday when we’re welcoming 2016. And now… Can’t wait for this year to be over for sure.

    Comment by Roy Shaffer — 11 December, 2016 @ 11:28 am

  2. Almost there Roy!!

    Comment by Christina Russell — 11 December, 2016 @ 3:50 pm

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