Weigh Day #12 - 1 Pound Closer

photo 5.22.13 (2)Happy Weigh-in Wednesday!

I was a bit worried about today’s weigh-in since the last couple weekends have been full of weddings, visiting family, and mother’s day feasts.  But, I’m happy to report that I am down one more pound and another .25 inches!  :)  I’m feeling MUCH more confident than I ever have before and I’m physically stronger too! (thanks to DDP Yoga).  I don’t know how the increased muscle is going to affect my weight - will the muscle building make my scale numbers stay the same for awhile or will the muscles help me burn more calories?  Either way - I can see my body physically changing so I’m going to try and NOT freak out if the scale doesn’t put out the numbers I’m looking for.  I think it’s important to stay positive and look at the big picture and focus on staying healthy.  So, that’s what I’m going to do.photo 5.22.13 (3)

Please take a moment and check out my Before & After page for all my updated stats.  And don’t forget about my Pedeometer Giveaway going on now!


  • http://www.livingmadehealthy.com mrsalexzan

    Look at you!!! You look amazing! You’re a rock star

  • http://myedietsjourney.com christinarussell

    You’re so sweet! Thank you! :)